Comments on: Hero or Troll? Olbermann loves this guy, and that says a lot *UPDATED* Military folks talking about Political yolks Thu, 30 Jun 2011 01:26:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Insurance compensation Insurance compensation Sat, 11 Jun 2011 11:38:48 +0000 <strong>Great info....</strong> [...] This information really tells it like it is. It's in complete accordance with my point of view and I was eager to post a backlink on the blog I oversee. Thank you. [...]... Great info….

[...] This information really tells it like it is. It’s in complete accordance with my point of view and I was eager to post a backlink on the blog I oversee. Thank you. [...]…

By: Debra Debra Mon, 27 Apr 2009 18:22:33 +0000 Sinfonian is my hero. I am proud of my fellow Floridian for pointing out the reality of who is responsible for the outrageous national debt to a crowd of people with incredibly short memories. GO JEFF! Sinfonian is my hero. I am proud of my fellow Floridian for pointing out the reality of who is responsible for the outrageous national debt to a crowd of people with incredibly short memories.

By: Meander Meander Fri, 24 Apr 2009 20:29:48 +0000 I'm terribly proud of Sinfonian and I'm glad that he took the opportunity to speak up at the party. Sorry if your having lost the election is causing all of your fellow teabaggers such <i>tsouris</i>, but really...having rallies to protect the rights of rich guys to stay incrementally richer? Entertaining. I’m terribly proud of Sinfonian and I’m glad that he took the opportunity to speak up at the party. Sorry if your having lost the election is causing all of your fellow teabaggers such tsouris, but really…having rallies to protect the rights of rich guys to stay incrementally richer?


By: Sid Sid Fri, 24 Apr 2009 20:19:13 +0000 "No, Jeff and Sid the Cameraman attended the Tea Party with some sort of mischief in mind " Let me help you with some facts.. I attended the Tea Party because it sounded interesting, and I support smaller government. I'm a conservative, but I don't limit my friends based on their political ideology. Also, I can tell you that Jeff attended mainly to watch and mock, not publically, but to his liberal online pals. However, after hearing a few things he grumbled disagreement with, I asked him to voice his opinion (which he had been considering doing anyhow).. I mean, it's supposed to be a bi-partisan event, right? People were constantly bashing the deficit, and he just reminded them of our recent history. Bush didn't exactly balance the budget. I didn't find his comments too far off base. Even the leader of the local Repubs noted that, in his opinion, Jeff was "half-right". “No, Jeff and Sid the Cameraman attended the Tea Party with some sort of mischief in mind ”

Let me help you with some facts.. I attended the Tea Party because it sounded interesting, and I support smaller government. I’m a conservative, but I don’t limit my friends based on their political ideology.

Also, I can tell you that Jeff attended mainly to watch and mock, not publically, but to his liberal online pals. However, after hearing a few things he grumbled disagreement with, I asked him to voice his opinion (which he had been considering doing anyhow).. I mean, it’s supposed to be a bi-partisan event, right? People were constantly bashing the deficit, and he just reminded them of our recent history. Bush didn’t exactly balance the budget. I didn’t find his comments too far off base. Even the leader of the local Repubs noted that, in his opinion, Jeff was “half-right”.

By: dave™© dave™© Fri, 24 Apr 2009 19:37:44 +0000 Gee, if you right-wing morons got SO many people to turn out for your little teabagging fest, how is it that ONE GUY at an obscure event in Florida is SO FUCKING THREATENING? Talk about "asshat" - look in the mirror, motherfucker. Gee, if you right-wing morons got SO many people to turn out for your little teabagging fest, how is it that ONE GUY at an obscure event in Florida is SO FUCKING THREATENING? Talk about “asshat” – look in the mirror, motherfucker.

By: Sinfonian Sinfonian Fri, 24 Apr 2009 19:23:05 +0000 Wow! This is the greatest award ever! I hardly have time to thank everyone involved, but if I may, let me just say, in the immortal words of that great American, George W. Bush: "Heckuva job!" (<a href="" rel="nofollow">More words here</a> ...) (Seriously -- very cute and well-written. I like the snark!) Wow! This is the greatest award ever! I hardly have time to thank everyone involved, but if I may, let me just say, in the immortal words of that great American, George W. Bush: “Heckuva job!”

(More words here …)

(Seriously — very cute and well-written. I like the snark!)

By: Shannon Shannon Thu, 23 Apr 2009 05:53:02 +0000 What I find funny is that the tea parties are an event that both pubs and dems go to. The dems cannot wrap their small, pea brained, minds around the fact that some of their own cannot stand Obamalamadingdong's policies and actions. They think this is strictly pubs, and that we are just whining because we lost the election. I guess history and thinking, and now paying attention, are not the dems strong suits. They will just never get it. They will still be standing at their campaign HQ's during election time, mouths hanging open, wondering how the hell they could have lost. It's comical, but oh so decadent. This countries citizens are coming together in a way that they never have before. That speaks volumes to most people... What I find funny is that the tea parties are an event that both pubs and dems go to. The dems cannot wrap their small, pea brained, minds around the fact that some of their own cannot stand Obamalamadingdong’s policies and actions. They think this is strictly pubs, and that we are just whining because we lost the election.

I guess history and thinking, and now paying attention, are not the dems strong suits. They will just never get it. They will still be standing at their campaign HQ’s during election time, mouths hanging open, wondering how the hell they could have lost. It’s comical, but oh so decadent. This countries citizens are coming together in a way that they never have before. That speaks volumes to most people…
