Thoughts and Prayers are with the OPD families

This posting is not political in any way, but I feel led to say that we here at have our thoughts and prayers going out to the families, co-workers and loved ones of the Oakland Police Department. First Responders, law enforcement, and the military all put their lives on the line for this country and unfortunately because of some idiot, criminal, oxygen thief (well was an oxygen thief) named Lovelle Mixon three members of the Oakland Police Department are no longer on the job to protect the honest citizens of that city. There is a fourth who is fighting for his life right now.

For those that think cops are too rough when they tazer someone or club someone to the ground, well now you know why. More cops are killed or wounded in “routine” traffic stops like the one that started the shootout in Oakland than any other task. To the person being pulled over, they may truly be innocent of all things (except maybe speeding or running a stop sign, etc.), but the police officer does not know that. As far as he or she knows, you are about to bust out with a Glock and an AK and try to kill him or her.

Police Officer John Hege is fighting for his life

Police Officer John Hege is fighting for his life

Police Officer Sgt. Ervin Romans, KIA 03/21/09

Police Officer Sgt. Ervin Romans, KIA 03/21/09

Police Officer Sgt. Daniel Sakai, KIA 03/21/09

Police Officer Sgt. Daniel Sakai, KIA 03/21/09

Police Officer Sgt. Mark Dunakin, KIA 03/21/09

Police Officer Sgt. Mark Dunakin, KIA 03/21/09

2 Responses to “Thoughts and Prayers are with the OPD families”

  1. A damn shame. I understand Officer Hege will be removed from life support pending a decision regarding organ donation. RIP gentlemen…

  2. Thank you Son. That was nice of you to recognize these heros. I believe the fourth one passed also; didn’t he?

    So many people are critical of law enforcement but they have a very dangerous job and unfortunately; sometimes the results are disasterous like this incident. Prayers go out for their co-workers, family and friends.

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