Obama and WalMart

So last night I suffered through the President’s latest attempt to turn a crisis into an omnibus bill. He excelled at painting BP as the Sheriff of Nottingham and he as Robin Hood in pinstripe. He deftly called on his fiddlers three (Ray Mabus, Dr. Steven Chu, and Michael Bromwich) to bring him his bowl and his pipe from which he would smoke the whacky-tabacky that makes him just feel more…Presidential. These fiddlers, in addition to the grand fiddler (ADM Thad Allen), would figure out how to stop the spill, assign appropriate blame, cut chceks accordingly, and plan for a rosy future with no oil in the gulf — and strangely enough with no jobs or commerce of any kind either. Obama wants to take the Gulf Coast back to a condition years before the oil spill. Eons actually. By including environmentalists and conservationists in Ray Mabus’ team, we can be sure that the goal will be to eliminate all evidence of human interaction with the Gulf and its surroundings.

But as Obama’s chill wind evaporated and I changed the channel to the Biography channel, I watched, rapt, at Sam Walton’s rise to prominence. I watched as a man with humble roots and a dream brought discount goods to the masses. I watched as he fought two cancers (ultimately losing to one) to create the largest retail business on the planet, on the basis of bringing inexpensive goods to the masses. He didn’t get rich on the backs of the poor. He brought lower prices to the poor and middle class, and they loved him for it. Sam Walton didn’t hand out rebate checks so people could buy any expensive goods they wanted, he brought them goods of similar quality but at discount prices.

That’s really all we want our government to do: bring us the quality American lifestyle at a discount. We’ll be happy to spend our own money on it. We don’t need you (government) to charge us exhorbitant prices and then hand us a rebate check. We don’t need you to think for us. Just sit back and give us the freedom to choose as we will.

Obama could take a bit of advice from ol’ dead Sam.

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