The Race Card

So Whoopi Goldberg decided she’d play the race card (again).  Well, Whoopti-Doo!  Whoopi, honey, it’s been over-played.  By you, by Janeane Garafolo, by Chris “Tingles” Matthews and by every other liberal that can’t defend the President’s actions and policies with facts or logic. Stop calling me racist.  It’s old, and it’s trite.  Stop trying to [...]

Biden and Gibbs are idiots

I was planning to write up a huge posting about how the Gaf-master Biden took credit on behalf of the Administration for the success in the Iraq war and then how Robert “I am better than all of you” Gibbs tried to defend this statement. Well in the interest of time and because my friend [...]

Who says Obama does not like Veterans?

In a strongly worded message to Congress outlining its priorities for a military spending bill, the Obama administration today said it disapproved of including money for pensions for 26 elderly members of the World War II-era Alaska Territorial Guard. The Guardsmen are among those assigned to protect Alaska from the Japanese during World War II. [...]

Cart before the horse or horse before the cart?

Which one is it? The President has told so many lies and repeated whatever the teleprompter tells him to so many times that he has stepped all over himself. Here is Charles Krauthammer making it pretty clear in 92 seconds.

Obama Criticism Flow Chart

In light of my posting yesterday about how we ARE all cowards when dealing with race, I thought this graphics would help explain some things and make it a little more clear as to what Pelosi, Carter, Wright, Jones, and the others have been trying to say. H/T to for this great flow-chart explaining [...]

Eric Holder was right; we are a nation of cowards

When Eric Holder first made the statement that we were a nation of cowards, I was pretty pissed. But then once I read what he said and understood that he was talking about the country’s attitude towards race, I changed my mind. While it was crass and kind of “in your face” after just getting [...]

Hey, Teachers! Leave Them Kids Alone!

First Seven Months of our President

In the First Seven Months’ of his term, our President has accomplished a lot, below is a short list.  Thanks so much for looking out for our welfare. Whadda guy! 1. Offended the Queen of England. 2. Bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia. 3. Praised the Marxist Daniel Ortega. 4. Kissed Socialist Hugo Chavez [...]

From Fantasy to Reality

Backseat driving, or Armchair quarterbacking? They both have the same meaning, and that is trying to tell someone how to do their job, what they do good in their job or what they do bad in their job without ever doing the task themselves. Throwing arrows at someone and criticizing everything decision they have made [...]

I can see clearly now, the deception is gone…

One of the things I personally found frustrating over the last eight years was the constant shell games-hiding costs for one program under another, switching things around and playing accounting games with the nation’s finances. Obama, however, plans to undo that-actually planning for the emergencies and additional situations that we project to happen. For example-military [...]