WWTFFT – What Would The Founding Fathers Think?

What Would The Founding Fathers Think.

Recently, there has been much discussion about the Constitution and its meaning. The Founding Fathers took the meaning/future interpretation of the Constitution/Declaration etc..into account. Adams and Jefferson both agreed that they must write as plainly as possible so there would be no “misinterpretation.” The only people who state that we need to interpret the constitution are those who want to interpret it for their own benefit.

The Constitution/Declaration are not documents that should be “flexible”, or “elastic”. They are not documents that grant rights either. The Declaration of Independence is a document that states that all men (and now women) are endowed by their creator (yes GOD) with certain unalienable rights. These rights were not granted by the government and should not be infringed upon by the government. The constitution limits the power of the federal government and clearly states that any of the powers not GRANTED to the federal government belong to the states and the INDIVIDUAL!

Every lib refers to Jefferson. Well let’s look at what Jefferson thought and his vision for the country. He envisioned an agrarian, democratic society of small farms and merchants. He feared a strong central government. He hated taxes. Does that sound like a left wing nut job? Sounds much more Republican than Democrat. The only real strong central government proponent was Hamilton (he established the Federal Reserve /US Banking System). He believed in deficit spending for one reason only – that the rich would buy the debt and have a vested interest in keeping the new country from failing.

The president wants to have a Supreme Court Justice that has empathy. However, looking at the constitution and interpreting it through the prism of “empathy” in bunk! Unlike most Americans, I was required to read the Constitution and Declaration of Independence myself ( I recommend everyone in uniform to read it since we take an oath to uphold and protect it). I don’t let others debate it for me. There is no debate. What is written in plain English (perhaps more people should be required to learn/speak it!) should be followed. If you want to change it, amend it or have a constitutional convention. But to say it is too complicated for the average person to understand it is an insult. It is a way the left wing nut jobs get their way. They keep the populace ignorant, and do what they want (again referring to my previous post on public education and why the Founding Fathers endorsed it and why the left have used it to their own benefit for the past 40 years).

The founders themselves were arguably the epitome of the Age of Enlightenment. They were well educated (either traditionally or self-educated). They took the ideas of some of the greatest minds, Voltaire, Smith, etc… applied them during the pre-revolutionary period (House of Burgesses anyone), and expanded the ideas into a new country. Their innate belief in the individual, if left alone, will succeed and reach heights that no government could dream of. The country did, however its future is at a cross-roads. Do we embrace what the Founders set out for us or do we shun it and become slaves to masters under a centralized plan?

So I stand by my assertion that libs “cherry pick” quotes of the Founders for their own benefit. They wrap themselves in the flag, and pat the ignorant populace that they created on the head and tell them we are here to take care of you from womb to tomb. They can shove it all the way up. I think the talk of a Second American Revolution may come. The politicians do not understand that there are many us that love our country and want to be left to our own devices to succeed or fail and live and die free of the oppressive yoke of government.

So I encourage everyone to read everything the Founders wrote – The Federalist Papers, Constitution, Declaration of Independence as well as personal diaries etc…Stand up to your local, state and federal representatives. Challenge them. Have they read them? It is time we the people enlighten them!

3 Responses to “WWTFFT – What Would The Founding Fathers Think?”

  1. Very well said and I agree 100%!!! WAKE UP AMERICA!! We can’t let “them” put us on our knees. I agree with something my grandson said yesterday….”let our military leaders run our country”. They at least have the knowledge and experience which is more than some have now.

  2. The idea that Liberals support big government is a popular mis-conception. One that we Progressive Liberals have helped to create.
    Sorry to break it to you, but the FF were Liberals in the most basic sense of the word. They wanted to change things and create something new. Good for them… and us!

  3. David. You have got to be kidding! You must really be confusing the definition of “Liberal” and “Libertarian”. The FF were “liberals” in 1776, but by todays definition they would be LIBERTARIAN. You say progressive liberals are creative. What have they done? Name it! – Corrupted public education, forced the poor into generations of poverty because they knew what’s best for them. Continued to try to divide the population along racial lines. Wage a campaign of class war. What the heck is a progressive liberalism? It sounds like the Huffington Post’s version of a re-named form of socialism.

    Don’t cloud the issues at hand with re-naming them. The discussion is concerning what the Founding Fathers wrote. Their vision for this country, and the direction we are heading. It isn’t some twisted, word gamed non-sense of calling the FF “liberals”. It is about this country and how we the people and our children will live – as Free Men or as Servants of the government.

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