Debt Ceiling To Be Raised

Unless the Senate passes legislation to increase the debt ceiling above the current $12.1 billion, it stands to violate the law.  But, this isn’t really Obama’s fault right?  I mean didn’t he “inherit” a $700 billion deficit?  This years deficit is expected to hit $1.6 trillion, more than double what Obama “inherited.”  Does he care?  Well, let’s take a look at his past to see what then-Senator Obama thinks about government deficits:

“Never before have Americans paid so much for a budget that does so little to keep them safe, secure and prosperous in a 21st century economy. After years of shelling out billions in taxpayer dollars to well-connected and well-financed special interests, the President is facing a debt so large that he cannot afford the promises he’s made to the American people.”

So, what would Senator Obama have to say about President Obama’s budget and deficit?

3 Responses to “Debt Ceiling To Be Raised”

  1. What would he say? “It’s all a bunch of lies, and innuendo, pushed forth by the republican party and Fox news.” Then the right would get labeled, yet again, with another term, and the Obamabots would be pushed out in force into the nether-web to spread the Messiah’s message.

    The man cannot take responsibility for anything his party has done, it all just gets laid in Bush’s lap…(sarcasm on) Who knew that Bush was flippin’ Superman and had more power than Obama has as President. Damn…we shoulda kept Bush in office if he had super powers. (sarcasm off)

  2. It should be noted that Congress has been largely in Democratic hands for the past two years, where the spending gets decided.

  3. That is true, actually more than 2 years now. 2.5 years, and yet they have nothing to do with any poor decisions, aren’t making poor decisions now, it all gets heaped on Bush. Not only is that incredibly arrogant and dishonest, but it shows what caliber people the dems have become as a whole.

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