Service to Your Country

I applaud General Stanley McChrystal’s recent article Step Up For Your Country, and his views on basic responsibilities of being an American. Today a debt greater than dollars exists; we face a national deficit of selfless service. Addressing these problems effectively can be best accomplished through national service. Service to country not only enriches the lives of others, but also can serve to enhance engagement and confidence between government, organizations and citizens. General McChrystal said it best, “At its heart, the real value of national service will be more in the effect service has on those who provide it than the work they provide.” (Newsweek, 2011, p. 38)  Those that answer our nation’s call, whether in uniform serving on the battlefield, or in the classroom teaching future generations, emulate the selfless spirit of what formed America, thus transforming the world. As history has shown us, effective change cannot be momentary or shortsighted; rather it must be sustainable and accomplished by inspiring citizens to serve a cause greater than oneself.

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Very respectfully,

The “Warrant”


Newsweek (2011).Step Up For Your Country. Retrieved from

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