Germany Ascendant

As President Obama as repainted the international landscape, we are seeing the scales of power tip in the favor of other countries. At first glance, China, Russia, Brazil, and India look strong, but these countries have major internal issues that will keep them form becoming a world power.
China may have moved closer to capitalism, but they still hold fast to the corruption culture of communism. Russia suffers from the same problems. Even with their nuclear weapons, they are not stable enough to be a true superpower. Brazil is a 2d world country and riddled with corruption. (Seeing a trend?) Then there’s India. Not as corrupt as the others, India still holds on to remnants of the caste system. This inequality will prevent them from growing at a pace necessary to rise to the top.
But Germany is sitting quietly in the corner just waiting for the loud kids to lose steam. They have spent the last 60 years rebuilding (first with help from the US — thank you Marshall Plan)their infrastructure and strengthening their economy. The deutschmark was so strong that the EU used it as a basis for the euro. In all honesty, the euro is just a glorified deutschmark. Germany is the strongest of the EU nations, and they know it. More importantly is that the rest of the EU knows it. While Greece, Spain, and Portugal have been struggling under the results of their poor administrative choices, Germany has watched quietly as other countries have come to their door, hat in hand, asking them to bail out the stumbling countries.
Germany is set to ascend in the international landscape. They have a strong economy, and a population that knows how to work hard. They are not perfect with some of their socialist laws, but they have a better understanding of the path to success than any other country in the EU and, arguably, the world. Let it be known that there are those in the US who know the path to success, but those folks continue to vote for Republicans who act like Democrats.
We need to keep an eye out for an ascendant Germany. That has happened twice in the past, and it didn’t turn out well for anyone involved. I doubt that Germany will start another major war. They are smarter than that. But I see their influence on the world growing. It will begin with the EU. They will stretch their influence to China, India, and Brazil. Eventually, the US and Russia will have to realize that Germany is an economic powerhouse. Give it about 15 years, and we’ll see an even different international landscape than we see now.

2 Responses to “Germany Ascendant”

  1. Your analysis is quite right, although it’s missing something. Germany was highly embarrassed by Hitlers actions; Germans never stopped hating Jews, they just simply kept it quiet.
    Watch for the involvement of Germany regarding Israel, and it’s manufactured crisis by Obama. That’s where the trouble will start once again.

    Disclosure: I am a german citizen, and it pains me to be so critical of my country. I do call a spade a spade; and admit, that germans are quite racist, and bigots.

  2. I’m rather accustomed to my blogs “missing something,” so I appreciate the assistance to make it complete. For this same reason, I’m only good at Jeopardy! when my wife is in the room. Together, we make one good contestant.

    I’ve always been intrigued by the German process of putting people into inductries or jobs according to test scores. It’s a bit like social engineering — something which Hitler would appreciate. I guess the system works, but what about the outliers or the free-radicals who don’t adhere to the norm. Those are the ones that do fantastic things. I’m no idle dreamer, but it seems as if the German system, while dependable for results, may not have the occurences of insane greatness seen in freer societies. Just a thought.

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