Presidential Prognostication

In October of last year, then-Senator Biden said, “”Mark my words, that within six months there will be a major incident testing the mettle of Barack Obama if he’s elected president.”

In the first 100 days of Obama’s presidency we’ve effectively nationalized banks, bought ownership in the automobile industry, dealt with a piracy “issue”, Mexican border violence, an Air Force One flyover in New York, and now have the swine flu. Interesting that the swine flu pops up right as Obama is about to shift gears on his health care plans. It’s also interesting that Justice Souter would announce his retirement at a time when the Mexican border is forcing the gun control debate.

Coincidence? Or part of a grander scheme of things?

4 Responses to “Presidential Prognostication”

  1. Are you kidding? Think about this too, the administration is now working on closing business tax loopholes (one of the last great benefit drivers of owning a business) and shutting down off shore accounts. Can you say power grab anyone?

    As for the “grander scheme” you speak of, I believe it was in play before he ever got elected. I’m with ya.

  2. Is it a power grab, or is he just doing his job trying to fix things. I think we may differ on what constitutes Nationalization in terms of fixing something that someone else broke.
    I’m not sure what Scott is saying if he’s in favor of or not in favor of the loopholes being closed. Pay your share of taxes and obey the law.
    Its funny that my conservative friends all seem to know how to get out of paying taxes. Go figure….

  3. I don’t think they’re loopholes at all. If there was more friendly tax structure in this country, people wouldn’t go overseas - where they have to pay foreign taxes. So, now they’ll pay taxes twice. Second, with all the tax cheats in the current administration, that last comment is kind of funny. I don’t think trying to avoid paying taxes is a conservative/liberal issue. None of us like to pay them, especially because they’re going to someone that doesn’t pay a dime!

  4. I agree, I don’t think anyone likes to pay taxes. Its just seems that companies move off shore for tax reasons, yet take advantage of the US laws and market without having to pay for it. While I don’t begrudge the companies for doing so (you vote with your pocket book), I think the laws should make it more permissive to not moving off shore.
    Ironic that Obama got re-buff from his own party on some of these initiatives. Rome wasn’t built in a day.

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